Stupid shirts are a definite hit with tech geeks, loners, and unmarried men over the age of 35.
Before I go on I'll let you know what I mean by a "stupid shirt". It's pretty much what it sounds like, a shirt with a stupid image or phrase on it. For example, a shirt that says, "I don't have a big brain but I am big down there." accompanied by a large arrow pointing to the crotch area. An even better example is a shirt with: "I AM A VIRGIN." in large block letters. What the hell are the people sporting these thinking???! Let's not forget those Joe's you see buying RedBull at the 7-Eleven showcasing their unlaundered and decolourized Dragon Ball Z t-shirts. Listen up, you look stupid. Take that shit off and buy a polo.
Now, when it comes to fat people; specifically those of us who are under 5'5" and have a waist size of 38", I think it's safe to say you are asking for it when you prance around in a "Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap." t-shirt. I don't know, that's just me. Maybe you feel comfortable hearing snickers about your shirt that clearly refers to YOU and your bodyweight.
Apart from being completely tacky and flagging you as a total retard, stupid shirts have nothing going for them. So why do people continue to wear them? They have no idea of how to express themselves without something being there to start a conversation. Simple as that.
Now, tank-tops and fat people. Two things that should NEVER, NEVER go together! It's like a black figure skater! What??! No. Just no. I mean, I haven't seen it yet. We'll get there soon Obama!
The fact that your ripples and rolls will push through the tank top is one thing. What about all that unkept, beastly chest hair that seems to flow over the neckline like crawling vines up a castle wall? Yeah. Nasty. Since you're incapable of shaving or waxing, cover it up!
Lesson Learned:
Fat people with no style need help. So, if you see someone, then, help them! Fit is key and people who don't know what fits and what doesn't usually resort to the shittiest crap in the store.