Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Rama-whaytt?? Ramadan?

Ramadan (pronounced RUH-ma-dan), is the month of fasting and purification many Muslims all over the world participate in.
Ramadan usually lasts 29-30 days and the most common aspect of it is the fasting which takes place each day from dawn to dusk. Muslims will wake up before the sun rises to eat a regular sized breakfast. Just regular stuff; for example, today I ate 2 eggs and 3 pieces of toast, drank some mango juice and water, and that was it. For the remainder of the day, dawn onwards, we will not eat or drink anything. No, not even water. We are supposed to commence with our daily activities such as work or school while we fast.
After the sun sets, we 'break' our fasts. Again, most people will eat a normal portion of food. Your body hasn't eaten all day and contrary to popular belief, you do not end up binge eating.
Fasting is certainly an important part of Ramadan, but it is not the only aspect. During Ramadan, Muslims practice abstinence and try to refrain from other things such as smoking. Ramadan can be seen as the month of purification and rejuveination of one's mind and body.
Muslims are expected to make extra donations to the poor and pray more during this month.
After Ramadan is over, we celebrate with large gatherings and feasts on a day known as Eid. A standard greeting would be "Eid Mubarak!" or "Happy Eid!".
This year, Ramadan started on Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 and will end around September 19th or 20th. Because Islamic months follow a lunar calendar, the time Ramadan takes place changes every single year. There is no set date.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Camel Toes & Custy H*es.

So, before you ask me what a camel toe is, look at the above photo. It's not there because I needed a fat chick's pic, but rather to fully show you the immense proportion of a given camel toe.
Draw your eyes towards the crotch area, what do you see? It's more than the pants scrunching up, it's a camel toe! Aww nassstyy!
So, why are camel toes so wrong? Well, if the photo above was not enough reason then you are into some kinky-ass shit man. Camel toes only occur when girls wear super tight pants. Forget muffin tops, look what happens down there! So wrong!
Ever walked downtown and saw someone sporting a velour pantsuit and you thought to yourself, damn that's ugly. Then you walk closer and feel the sudden urge to grab the light post next to you and hurl onto the street... Why? You, my friend, just saw a camel toe.
Breathe in. I know that was a loott to read about CT's but you'll get over it.
Next up: Custy Hoes.
This one girl does a greattt enactment of how to look like a hoe on youtube! I can't find her video yet, but when I do! Oh maan!!! Custy hoe's aren't just hoey, they're super-hoey.
They've taken hoe to the next level of hoeness. Yeah hoe's dress provocatively, yeah hoe's wear excessive makeup, and hoes just get around but a custy hoe does it dirrrtyy. A custy hoe knows how to smell like shit after a night out. A custy hoe knows how to cake on the makeup and make it last till 2am and when it starts to drip off, she knows it's time to take some Facebook profile pictures. A custy hoe knows how to make a night out a dirrrttyy night out. A custy hoe boasts about her STD's... her multiple partners. That is a true custy hoe. And most of all custy hoes don't ever think they're as hoey as people see them! That's when you know you've met one.
Oh, and she probably wears no undergarments.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Canadian Please!
Canadian Please!
You're gonna love this track! And if you don't, play it till you do!
In A Pickle.
First of all, from the time we were seated till we got our food it had been 1 hour and 28 minutes. Never in my life have I ever, ever waited that long for food! We were seated in a booth next to many other "reject" customers which included, but was not limited to, families with children who could not stop crying, frizzy haired girls, and elderly people with all the time in the world.
Either the restaurant was under staffed or the staff just extremely suck at their jobs.
Some highlights of the night included our socially-awkward waitress asking us if we wanted meat gravy after noticing we all ordered vegetarian dishes. A veggie burger, a veggie wrap, and a salmon entree. Who the hell asks if you want meat gravy after taking that order???
"Can I get fries with my salmon?" I ask. Instead of saying "yes sir you're food is so late I'll make sure you get whatever it is you would like", the girl abruptly swings over to my side of the table, unlocks her back and hangs over the menu like a loose hinge. She was vulturish. She peered intensely into the glossy pages of the menu and said, "Okay.". Then she spazztically walked off, almost in a robotic manner. A robot on acid.
One of us orders beef with shrimp. The waitress responds, "So that's beef with baby back ribs?"
Straight up; WTF? What? How? Howwww did that happen? How do you mistake SHRIMP for Baby-Back Ribs? And what kind of entree has 2 beef items?
So, we get our food ubber late and it's what? COLD. Spell it: C-O-L-D.
Our pathetic-ass waitress not only didn't know the restaurant menu, but she made sure our food got nice and cold, just perfect for eating! Not! Besides the fact that she was socially-awkward, completely oblivious of he surroundings, and a spazztic mover, she had no courtesy or respect for the, count 'em two, TWO tables she had to take care of!!! Who the F makes sure their 2 tables get their food sooo late!
Our food was so late we started chatting with the frizzy-haired girls. You know it's bad when patrons at the restaurant start making small-talk with their neighbours.
Lesson Learned?
Don't go to the Pickle Barrel inside Erin Mills. However, if you absolutely must, make sure you don't get seated with the rejects and take 4 hours out of your daybook; you're gonna need it!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Stereos - 'Summer Girl'
Summer's new song! "Summer Girl" by The Stereos is definitely an easy listen and it's perfect for those summer parties you'll want to plan! Hopefully the rain will give us a break!
One thing I found awkward with the song was that they said, "Shorty" in the lyrics... That's just... I don't know... For this type of band, that's damn awkward. Overall, it's a good song. Look forward to The Stereos making it mainstream as their songs are getting good responses on the radio and online.
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